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Our Work

Whether it's policy analysis, strategy building, evaluation, or something more, our work provides clients with the information, analysis, and roadmaps they need to make positive change. Read more about specific projects below, and get in touch if you'd like to discuss these projects or others in more depth.

Assessing Uruguay's social policy for Trans Inclusion


Through a comprehensive review of Uruguay's health, education, labor, and housing legislation, we identified best practices as well as gaps needing to be filled. We triangulated findings with relevant Ministries as well as representatives of trans organizations from across the country. 


The report concludes with a set of actionable strategies for improvement. With advocacy from trans and human rights organizations, many of the recommendations - including the creation of a rights-affirming Comprehensive Law for Trans Persons - were taken up by the government.


Read the full Spanish-language report online.

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Building Board Capacity at the Rober Carr Fund

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Working closely with the civil society members of the Robert Carr Fund Board, we built and facilitated a bespoke, five-part onboarding retreat. Areas covered included: decision-making and accountability mechanisms, power dynamics and power analysis, recommitment processes, and building familiarity, trust, and comfort within the board. The onboarding culminated with the creation of a Roadmap for Action that will support the Board's work through 2024. As one Board member said: Julia's work "leaves the Fund's civil society mechanism stronger and better positioned to meet the needs of the regional and global networks we serve."

Evaluating the impact of long term funding with third wave fund

In line with their values and mission, we built a justice-focused evaluation that responded to Third Wave Fund and their grantees' needs. The evaluation charts the impact of long-term funding on the development of grass-roots groups, highlighting lessons learned and key practices for foundations and individual donors interested in supporting lasting systems change. 


Read the full report here.

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Thanks for getting in touch! I'll get back to you shortly.- Julia

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